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You must have the Times New Roman font installed on your machine. It's not open-source, so I cannot provide it as part of the application. Your browser must support canvas (it likely does).

Step 1: Draft

Start with the information you want to convey - you may get 'No bullets of length/all bullets over length' - this is fine to start.

Modernized award/annual review process; devoted 80hrs/engineered app--established AF-wide SOP/saved 3,500 man-hours annually

Step 2: Optionalize

You can then begin to create substitutions by separating sections that can be substituted/reworded/omitted onto their own lines, and chaining options on the same line with pipes (|). You can also make certain blocks 'optional' by placing a trailing pipe with no option after it. Example:


As you begin to do this, Bulletpress will start chewing through every possible permutation of the bullet you wrote and begin spitting out bullets that meet the line-fill requirement (sorted by how close to the line they are). This is your brainstorming phase, so every idea is a good idea to start. Once your browser starts lagging because you have too many options, that's a good sign you should move to the next step.

Step 3: Prune

Look at your top bullets and highlight the weakest portions of them. Remove those options entirely until you're left with around 10 or fewer outputs. Example:


Pruning just a few options leaves me with only 4 outputs:

- Modernized awd/annual review process; dedicated 80hrs/engineered app--established total-force SOP/saved 3.5K hrs
- Overhauled awd/annual review process; dedicated 80hrs/engineered app--established total-force SOP/saved 3.5K hrs
- Modernized awd/yearly review process; dedicated 80hrs/engineered app--established total-force SOP/saved 3.5K hrs
- Overhauled awd/yearly review process; dedicated 80hrs/engineered app--established total-force SOP/saved 3.5K hrs

Step 4: Iterate

First, retain all the information you entered, even if your remaining outputs don't use all of it. This will allow you to skip most of step 2 as you add information, strip information, adjust the impact, discover new approved abbreviations, etc. Second, now that you've got draft 1 of your bullet, jump back into step 2 and work on it to make a slightly stronger version. Bulletpress can't remove the amount a bullet will be iterated on, but it can make the time required to iterate on a bullet significantly less.


Static Storage

Word Search
Search Tool Syntax

The BULLETPRESS search tool gives you the power to find the word you need to make your bullet perfect and more importantly fit! At the core, it is a word search where it can match words based on spelling. However, its real power comes from its ability to process Regular Expressions coupled with extra built-in filter syntax. The filter command syntax provides ways filter by characteristics of words to help you locate the right word for the right use.

Special Commands
  1. length:# Filter down to all words of a specific length. Replace the # with the desired number of letters. For example: length:8 only provides words with 8 letters. Shorthand of len: is also accepted.

  2. leadership:[yes|no] Filter words down to those that imply leadership qualities for report writing. Results are subject to change as it is highly opinion-based. Applying no will remove words that imply leadership, which allows for followership focused words. true or false are accepted as an alternative attribute value. Shorthand commands of leader:, lead:, led: are also accepted.

  3. type:verb Filter words by type of word. Currently only verb is supported and the current word list only contains verbs.
Regular Expressions

All non-command tokens will be concatenated together as a single token and processed by the JavaScript RegExp() function. You may use any valid JavaScript Regular Expression syntax. If it is interpreted as invalid, then the token will be ignored. Spaces are ignored as it is expected this is a word search tool with an expected result of a single word (hyphenated words included). Tokens are defined as a sequence of any non-whitespace characters. Tokens are delinated by whitespace characters in between seqences of letters, numbers, or symbols. For example:

  1. ^a All words that start with the letter a.
  2. ed$ All words that end in the letters ed.
  3. gh All words that contain the letter sequence gh.


Our word list is made up of all action verbs commonly used on performance reports as identified on and characterized by BULLETPRESS developers. The list will continue to improve as new words and characteristics are identified.

Space ( ) characters are ignored in all cases except to separate one command token from another token.

The colon (:) character determines between command syntax and regular expression use. If you use a : with a mispelled or invalid command, it will be ignored during filtering.

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